Thursday, 27 October 2011

Quotidian Scenes

It's important to think of the moments that we live every day, these daily moments that we usally don't pay attention. When you arrive from school, when you say "Hello, I'm here" to your mother, when you are having lunch at dinning room, the routine. You should see the rutine such as a good thing, because when you lose it, you miss it. Live every minute, every daily situation, every seconds, every sensation, live you life the best way you can, don't despise time of your life. Quotidian scenes, dialy situations.

Saturday, 22 October 2011


I would like to dedicate this post to my mother. My mum is the most loved person by me, without her I couldn't have the chance to live, it's the reason why you always have to apreciate your mother. Moreover one mother gives to you what she doesn't have. One mother suffers when you suffer, one mother is worried when you are too, but one mother is happy when you are happy too. By the moment I haven't discovered something more beautiful than one mother hugging her son or daughter. Don't swear on her, don't let her down, don't make her feel disappointed, honor your mother.

When you're troubled, go to your mother and tell her. I'm sure she'll help you. And you can talk whatever with her, tell all that concerns you.

Love your mother, hug your mother, thank her for bringing you to life, because, one day she won't be there. Mum, I really love you.

Illustration by me

Your burning leaves

Your leaves are burning under the high heat of the shining fire. This sun is you and these leaves are your past, the non-live again of that moment, the waste of a part of your memories. You should learn to make the ashes able to create new leaves, and looking after them to get more than that, to get a flower, when you get the flower you should continue feeding this plant and maybe it'll give you a fruit, this fruit is the sense of your life, is the reason why you live, is the reason why you've lived, and then, in this moment, you'll undersand that you don't have to give up, you have to be constant with your aims, then, you will realise your achievements had become true.

I've taken a photo about that. Hope you like it.

Picture by me

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Take another chance

As students, we are obligated to live stressful weeks. It's important to don't fall apart. Get up if you have fallen, try it again. If you fail an exam, if you don't get the greats you expected, if you couldn't study enough... You have chances and chances, don't give up. Maybe you are not used to live this rythm of life, take it easy. There is too much more to see yet.

All these problems, can be added at personal problems, so, it's better not to mix them, be positive.

Don't change, take another chance.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

I'm not okay

« If you ever felt alone,
If you ever felt rejected,
If you ever felt confused,
If you ever felt lost,
If you ever felt anxious,
If you ever felt wrong,
If you ever felt wronged,
If you ever felt ashamed,
If you ever felt unclean,
If you ever felt angry,
If you ever felt curious,
If you ever felt USED,

Be prepared to feel REVENGE.

Feel the ROMANCE
My Brutal romance,
My Beautiful romance,
My Miserable romance,
My X-Rated romance,
My Harlquin romance,
My Innocent romance,
My Scandalous romance,
My Watercooler romance,

In addition of beig that a real awesome song, I can draw conclusions about that. Firstly, tell me who hasn't never felt like this? There're always this fu***** retards who make you feel bad, where is revenge?

- No, there isn't revenge, it could bring more problems.

NO! If you don't do anything they will bully you again. To all these people often having problems like that; TALK. Talk to your best friends, talk to your parents, your relatives, talk to a pshycologist, or just talk to me! It's bad not to talk to anybody. There are thousands people who can really understand you. I think, together, we can do it. Please if you don't know me and you would like to talk, message me at, I'll listen to you. Please, you mustn't change just because what they're saying about you. Please... don't change, be yourself.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Don't pay attention to them

There's always people in your life that you'd like them not to be here. People that laughs at others, people that makes you feel bad, that people don't know you, that people aren't good for your heath, these people impede you to be yourself, and this is an essential reason why you should hate them, don't pay attention to them, fuck them, make them feel like they've made you feel all this time, how? Laughing, yes! Laughing, they hate that, because they knowed they failed. They had probably tried to make me feel bad because I am just different (in my situation), or because you listen to ROCK, and they listen to SHITTY COMMERCIAL HOUSE, I think they say: "If you are not as cool as me, don't talk to me", or "Wow you don't go to the disco? You are a freak", or "What the fuck are you doing wearing like that?", or "What shit are you listening to", ok, what kind of person can say that? - Many of my classmates. Don't change, be yourself. If you do that, I'll love you.

Picture by me

Friday, 14 October 2011

Complaining for Nothing

Sometimes we complain about things we shouldn't complain. When we are feeling disappointed because our parets haven't bought us the best mobile phone, others are desiring at least to eat somethin' when they're suffering of hunger. I don't like that at all, I'm included in the first group, we usually concern about things with no relative importance, and in this moments I switch my point of view, and I say to myself "Man, is it really necessary?". I've been watching Rise Against's videoclips and at "Prayer of the refugee" Tim McIlrath shows us the child exploitation, the side of the big shopping centers that we can't see. I recommend you to watch this video.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Dreams City

Yeah, this is the place I visit every night, the place where you can realize that the best of our lives are the dreams stored in this city. Without dreaming we couldn't have hopes, and ambitions, we couldn't achieve anything because we wouldn't have any of them. Dreams... Maybe my favourite stuff of my life. Most of our dreams disappear when we grow up, when me are more mature (or when we think we're that), I don't think that, the dreams you have when being a child are the dreams you'll remember before to die, then it will be too late. DREAM. Dream now! Dream now that you can! What are you waiting for? In ten minutes I'll do that.

Introducing myself

Hello there, I'd like to introduce myself because it'll be useful to know about my blog. My name's Doc, I'm an european teenager who loves music, rock especially but it doesn't matter. I'm living a normal life, friends, family, school... everyday's routine. I'm from Barcelona, and ok, you could ask yourself, ¿Why the fuck is he writting in English?, OK, I'm writting in English because I'd like people around the world to identify theirself with whatever they see in this blog. Yeah, it's a sillyness, a little personal Blog being read for people around the world, I know, it could be a great idea, couldn't it? I also think writting is like puking your feelings, bleeding them out, this way I avoid to explode myself. My achievements are that you could find useful some of my posts, and you could give your opinion, and sharing it with me. Here you'll find how I'm feeling, my point of view in front of many situations, the music that rises me up, some pictures taken by me, some draws, all of this including a text written by me. I hope you'll like this blog, and I don't know, if you have any question, ask me. Ah, and excuse my grammar, vocabulary and my spelling, I'm studying this language.